When should consult the Medical- The swelling of your lymph extends for more than two weeks after the infection has passed- You have swollen glands throughout the body - You have swollen glands and was not a cold recently and has not had an infection in the sinuses, ears or in the upper airways.-You have a large ganglion and stiff that does not move easily.- Apart from swollen glands in the neck, you have a fever, difficulty swallowing, a chronic inflammation of the throat or difficulty breathing, especially if you smoke or drink alcohol.A-swollen neck lymph nodes is to be larger than the other.
From the moment your swollen glands may look a little like Frankenstein bolts, but in fact are creating ground for an army of good guys. Throughout the body is more than 500 lymph nodes. They bring together local white blood cells. The blood cells that the immune system of your body uses to fight infection. The lymph nodes swell when the white blood cells mount a defense against invading bacteria. The nodes are also part of the drainage system that your body uses to dispose of the wastes that accumulate fight infection. The lymph nodes drain into lymph nodes are larger than in many parts of the body, including armpits, groin and jaw. Sometimes these swollen lymph nodes in response to an infection in a remote location. For example, an infected foot can produce a swollen lymph node in the groin area. A normal lymph node is a soft mass, movable and rubbery, having less than half a centimeter in diameter. When the nodes swollen, becomes large, hard and inflamed. The nodes of the neck swell with ease. A common reaction to cold or upper respiratory infection. Why the neck? More than 30 per cent of lymph nodes in your neck is above the collarbone, neck and throat. The swollen neck lymph nodes may also indicate a viral inflammation of the throat or a bacterial infection, such as a sore throat. Infections of the sinuses, ears or skin also can swell the ganglia of the neck. And dental problems can cause swelling as well as an infection resulting from a cat scratch. The more serious causes, although less likely, the swollen lymph neck are diseases like monocucleose, tuberculosis, syphilis and some forms of cancer like Hodgkin's disease.
Relief of symptoms
Since the swollen glands are most likely caused by an infection, the key to get rid of them is to treat the underlying infection. Here's what you can do.
Try applying heat: While this infection, you can relieve pain in swollen glands by applying a hot towel or an electric pad for fifteen minutes, three or four times a day.
Exterminate streptococci: It is important to treat tonsillitis, because otherwise it can lead to rheumatic fever, a disease that can damage the heart. For this reason, if your swollen glands are accompanied by a persistent inflammation of the throat, you should see a doctor. He had used a cotton swab to the throat itself and withdraw a sample of cells for culture. If you have strep, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics to cure the infection.
Investigate other infections: Skin infections of the scalp, temples or face, as well as sinuses and ears, can swell the ganglia of the neck. Your doctor will treat this and any other infection with antibiotics prescribed.
Expect some analysis: If the cause of your swollen glands is not easy to determine, your doctor can mark him further consultations or more analyzes. In some cases, in addition to blood or X-rays, the physician may remove some of the samples contained in the lymph node tissue, employing a technique called needle aspiration. In most cases, this is a fast and simple process is done in practice. After weighing to be anesthetized is introduced into a needle ganglion and withdraws some cells for analysis.
Carefully examine the lymph node. Your doctor may use x-rays to help diagnose the cause of your swollen glands or a single lymph node can be surgically removed after a needle aspiration. In the unlikely event you have a malignant disease of the lymphatic system will be treated with cancer drugs.